Early Education

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Carlsbad Caverns is located in Southern New Mexico, close to its border with Texas. Admission is $15 for adults, and free for children 12 and under.   There are two ways of getting into the caves: by elevator, or by foot. The elevator ride is mere minutes, and descends about …

Growth & Development

Four Types of Parenting Styles

Researchers have identified four types of parenting. They are identified as authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. They each have their different traits, and they effect the children who are raised by the different styles of parenting, both positively and negatively. Let’s take a look at how parents of these types …

Early Education

Creating Trust, Creativity, and Responsibility

Parents usually take the initiative to do things for their child. For example, if their child wakes up late, she will quickly help him/her dress and get ready for the day. The child will sense anxiety as his/her mother hurries through their routine. If the child moves slowly and does …

Growth & Development

How to cultivate your child’s concentration

Focus, concentration, and determination are the foundation of all sorts of learning. Strong concentration is a sure guarantee for the academic future of your child. So, if their focus or concentration is off, you, as a parent, need to cultivate it. The older the child, the more the importance of …

Growth & Development

Don’t Interrupt A Child’s Talking

Children have different perspectives than adults. Some small problems in their lives are very interesting to them. They like to share their feelings and discoveries with their parents. teachers, and friends. If an adult violently interrupts a child, the child will think that he or she is disrespected, untrusted, and …

Early Education

Reasons To Let Your Child Complete Chores

For adults, housework is probably just a pain in the neck. But there are multiple sufficient reasons to let your child practice housework at an early age. It not only frees up time for the parents but it also helps the children in their future development. Children who do chores …

Growth & Development

How to Deal With Arguments Between Your Children

Some of the variables and stresses that occur in life, such as moving to a new house or starting daycare can make the relationship between your children and their siblings more complex. However, patience, understanding, and constant teaching can help your child build a stable relationship with anyone. Let the older …

Growth & Development

Four Big Reasons Your Child Is A Picky Eater

Saying that your child is cute and innocent is most likely true. But he or she becomes a kind of a monster during mealtimes. The baby is dodging in front and her mother is chasing after him. Is your child a picky eater? If picky eaters do not adjust in …

Early Education

Four Points to Teach Your Child About Making Friends

The way and skills of proper communication between people will directly affect their social life. However, some children are unaware of how to communicate with others correctly and in a friendly way. These children haven’t been correctly guided and helped by their parents. You can probably imagine the consequences. 1. …

Early Education

Teaching Children About Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is an important ability for everyone, and the cultivation of self-discipline is very important in childhood. Parents should develop children’s self-discipline skills when they are young so that children can develop good habits. So what are the ways to help children develop self-discipline? This article will give a detailed …