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Daycares Must-know
Day Care Centers
These are programs caring for more than six children at time, held not in a personal residence. These programs are typically larger than those held in personal residences, with multiple staff members caring for a number of different groups of children.
Family Day Care Homes
These are smaller programs that are held in someone's home. Family Day Care providers may care for three to six children at a time, may add one to two school-children - the maximum allowable number of children ultimately depends on their ages.
Group Family Day Care Homes
These programs are also held someone's home but allow slightly larger numbers of children to be cared for at one time. A Group Family Day Care provider, with an approved assistant present, can care for seven to twelve children at a time, may add one or two school-children - the maximum allowable number of children ultimately depends on their ages.
School-Age Child Care Programs
These programs provide care for more than six children from kindergarten through age twelve, during non-school hours as well as during school vacation periods and holidays.
Montana Daycares
Martinsdale Daycares
Daycares in Martinsdale, Montana
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