Four Big Reasons Your Child Is A Picky Eater

Saying that your child is cute and innocent is most likely true. But he or she becomes a kind of a monster during mealtimes. The baby is dodging in front and her mother is chasing after him. Is your child a picky eater? If picky eaters do not adjust in time, it will lead to baby growth retardation, physical decline, affecting baby’s growth and development. But, then, why are some babies picky eaters? The main reasons for the baby’s partial eclipse are mainly the following four points. What exactly is your child?

1. Misuse of calcium products

In the early stages of baby calcium supplementation, mothers are vulnerable to some advertisements and believe that the sweet and sour taste of calcium is consistent with baby’s taste. As everyone knows, the baby’s taste buds are in a period of rapid development. The closer the foods are to the breast milk taste, the more the development of the baby’s taste buds will be. The over-heavy taste stimulation will lead to the unresponsiveness of the baby’s taste buds and will lead to picky-eating partial eclipses. Therefore, for the preparation of food for infants and young children, the preferred tasteless or light milk flavor. Calcium chooses light milk flavor, and natural children love to eat more.

2. Affected by Mom and Dad

Parents are the model of the baby. The baby is the mirror of the parents. From the baby’s three meals a day, you can see the parents’ eating habits. If the baby’s diet is rich and the nutrition is balanced, then parents need to be a good example.
Your baby’s eating habits are greatly influenced by your family. Parents seem to inadvertently assess which dishes are delicious, which dishes are not good, what you like to eat, and what you don’t like to eat will be heard in the ears by small children. When one day the nursery aunt tells you that the baby is picky eaters, when the health care provider measures the baby’s body is not up to normal, your baby loses on the starting line of the “eat”.
To cultivate good eating habits, parents must first set a good example by changing and adjusting their dietary habits. At the very least, do not show special dietary preferences in front of the baby. Try to let him eat a variety of foods to ensure physical development. Required nutrition.

3. Psychological factors

The baby’s picking on food sometimes comes from self-protection. People will have a strangeness when dealing with new things. Some babies will be curious because of their strangeness and hope to be able to crack and get answers, but sensitive and natural. With careful babies, unrecognized things will cause them to fear, and the result is, of course, rejection. Indeed, for most babies, they are reluctant to try new foods because they do not know whether the new food is safe. The baby will only like the familiar foods. Only if this food is repeatedly on the table, the baby will want to try.
There is another explanation for the partial eclipse, that is, the gradual independence of the baby, the other way you hope to be more independent – you decide what to eat! The baby has been passive since birth until they learned to eat on their own, that is, they Basically, he does not have the right to choose food. The only way is to spit out the food he does not like, but he still cannot fully control his diet.
When babies are able to eat alone, they begin to challenge the authority of their parents. By choosing foods to show their attitude to decide things, it is not directly related to what foods are eaten. Therefore, if the baby is under a partial eclipse of this psychological factor when the parents force him to eat a certain kind of food, you will be subjected to fierce resistance from the baby, then you must learn to judge – he really does not like to eat Still need some autonomy.

4. The appearance and smell of the food

In addition, if the baby once had a bad impression on a food, it would also reject the food. For example, the crude fiber-containing leeks and celery that have been eaten during constipation are naturally associated with the disease. There are also certain foods whose appearance, odor, texture, etc. will also affect the baby’s choice of eating. Few babies like to eat radish and have bitter foods for this reason.

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