Baby’s Signal of Being Sleepy

Yawn is the most obvious sleep signal. In fact, in addition to this, the baby still has a lot of sleep signal ~ let’s take a look.

1. Too excited
If the baby sleeps regularly and occasionally misses his usual bedtime, he may be very excited because he is very aggressive in wanting to play and not wanting to fall asleep. In fact, it may be the illusion caused by fatigue. It is not that the baby doesn’t want to go to sleep, so the parents should do some arrangements to let him fall asleep.

2. Out of temper
When the baby is sleepy, he will be irritable. It may be better to wake up when he is sleepy than when he is sleepy. Being sleepy can make a baby not stand many things, such as not getting what he wants or not giving it to him in time. These setbacks will anger him and cause him to cry and scream. If the baby falls into a stupor or experiences pain when he is sleepy, it will make him cry more seriously than usual. Parents often attribute this phenomenon to a child’s violent temper and rebellion, but it’s not true. The baby is just too sleepy to tolerate emotions.

3. It’s harder to get your baby’s attention
When a baby is sleepy, attention may not be as attractive as usual. At ordinary times, babies are curious about new things and are more likely to be attracted. If the baby is sleepy, his attention is less likely to be attracted.

4. Biting
The baby may bite when he is sleepy, and the condition may get worse before he gets sleepy. Some mothers may confuse a baby’s sleepy bite with a baby’s teething. Please note that if you hold the baby vertically, it means he is sleepy if he bites your chin and forehead.

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